Tuesday, 28 October 2008

The System

This morning I received this video and they didn't say anything that I didn't know but it's true!!!!!

In a day to day, you don't stop to think where the things come from? For instance, a piece of furniture, you intent to find the best price but you don't' ask ourself, why is one piece of furniture cheaper than the other?, who made it?Has it been made by a child? It's very awful how the system works. This is Globalization.

This system is created by some people, so Is it possible to change it? How!!!!!! Because either you stay in this system or not, but if you don't follow this, you are a strange person or radical and you will not be good look.

I want to believe that this situation will change, I think that we have arrived at the end of globalization. Am I utopian?, I don't know but I think that the people are starting to be conscious that we are being manipulated by the system, although this is not enough so it's the beginning to change.

I hope that this video makes your mind move.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

About me.

This blog is anonymous so I can't write who I am, however I can explain the reason of the name of this blog: “the Alternaria”. It is related to one of my hobbies, the mushrooms. I like to learn about how they grow, what kind of benefits or problems can cause, for instance the Alternaria is a cosmopolitan fungus commonly isolated from plants, soil, food, and indoor air environment. The production of brown pigment is one of its major characteristics. You can find it in your house, exactly in your fridge, It's the typical dark pigment that appears on the tomato surface.

In addition if you watch this fungus trough the microscope you can see this appearance.

It's exciting to discover how they grow, the different morphologies, and colours that they have.